Our new friend Katie has inspired me with some of her wonderful videos that she has made. This one doesn't even compare to hers but it was a good start for me. I figured I might as well start with one for our baby boy on his birthday! (November 1) Jason and I went to the Busby Marou concert on Oct 19. Its a band that is originally from Gladstone. They played this song, Biding Time, and it made me tear up thinking about how Bucky is waiting for us to come home. You all know how much Bucky means to Jason and I and we miss him SOOO much! Our nights after work just aren't the same without our walks around the neighborhood, trips to the park or hide-and-go-seek (we hide and he seeks!). Lately, we have been filling the void of Bucky with Tim Tams and ice cream! (Jason wants to invent the Tim Tam blizzard when we get home.)
Tim Tams truly are wonderful! :)