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Sunday, November 25, 2012

Awards Ceremony- 5 years of service!

This weekend Jason was recognized for his 5 years of service with Bechtel. As they stated at the awards dinner, 5 years with Bechtel is not just a typical 5 years at any job. Being a Bechtel employee is a very demanding career of your time and energy. Working outside in all sorts of different temperature for 10-12 hours a day, 6 days a week is not easy! Not only is it tiring and hard work, it is also a company that alot of it's employees sacrafice time away from family, whether it be traveling for the company or relocating to other parts of the country or world! Even though, it may be hard work, Jason finds his career very rewarding at the same time and we are both so grateful for the experiences and opportunities it has provided for us. I am so proud of where Jason has become with his career and look forward to all the opportunities we have ahead of us!
Jason's gifts! Perfect to get a globe on his first International Assignment! The gift wrapped package was my gift for being a supportive spouse! :) It was filled with all kinds of goodies!


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