We would love for you all to follow us while we share our experiences throughout our journey for the next couple years!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Giving Thanks!

I am keeping a running blog each day of November of what I am thankful for each day! Being so far away from home has really put everything into perspective for me over the past couple months and made me appreciate all of the wonderful blessings I have in my life.

Day 23-30
Although, there are many more reasons I could list of what I am thankful for and I could go on for months and months, I am going to conclude this blog post with how we spent our first Thanksgiving away from home in the land "Down Under".
We were so fortunate to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving twice with some great people. Saturday night we went to Jason's boss' house for an amazing turkey dinner shared with some fellow Bechtel employees and their spouses.
Jason's delicious sweet potatoes! With carmel/vanilla marshmellows!

My first Pintrest food...completed! :) We took one tray to both Thanksgiving dinners!

Myllie's Beautiful Spread!

The appetizer and dessert table!! She made an amazing homemade pumpkin pie!

Smith's and the Weldon's

Sunday, We enjoyed Thanksgiving on the Ranch. There were about 26 people invited to an Australian friends home in the country. Jason has officially found his heaven! We enjoyed some delicious food and good company! All of the festivites this weekend made being away from home during the holidays a little easier knowing that we are not alone in this adventure! We are so fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful people.
The Ranch that is located on the family's 9500 acre farm!
View from the back of the house.

Dig In!

View from their back yard.


Day 22: Happy Thanksgiving!!

The "Uher" kids with Great- Grandma Dunlop! She was 101 in this picture!
Today, I am thankful for family traditions! Growing up we would alternate the years that we would travel to Minnesota for Thanksgiving and Christmas. For Thanksgiving, my moms side of the family rented out the cafeteria of the Queen of Angels church because the extended family is so big!  While the women (Moms and Grandmas)  were getting the food prepared, us kids/ cousins would all go up to the gym and play and as we got older we would play card games and sit and talk. After we all were finished eating, the guys were the ones that were put to work in the dish room.
I always loved spending the holidays in Minnesota surrounded by our family. It was also nice to be able to see and spend time with my Great Grandma. She was the reason there was always such a large turnout for Thanksgiving. It just hasn't been the same since she has been gone.
On the alternate years, when we would stay home in Cincinati for Thanksgiving, it was just as special. My parents would cook enough food to feed an army! My dad loves to cook big holiday meals which makes it so much more exciting and fun! Over the years, Nicole has become the master at making the mashed potatoes! I usually just sit back and socialize with everyone as they do all the work! Another special treat of Thanksgiving is my mom's famous pumpkin rolls! I have eaten some that other people have made but they just don't compare to hers! We usually would eat around
1-2 and then watch a movie and then around 6-7 my Dad would be ready to make us an open face turkey sandwich! (Jason was unsure of this at first, but now he loves them just as much as we do!) It's basically all the leftover turkey, dressing and gravey mixed together and put on bread...YUM!

I am so thankful to have married into a family that has very similar family traditions that I grew up with and that loves and appreciates them! I remember the first Thanksgiving I spent at Jason's house and they had all the same food that my parents would make and it all tasted the delicious. I must say that Nicole has a little competition when it comes to Big Ror's mashed potatoes! Rita makes the most amazing pecan bars, I think I have actually eaten 4 in one setting before! :) Rita's side of the family always comes over and it always feels so nice to have a house full of good conversation and good company!
This year, Thanksgiving is definitely much different that any Thanksgiving we have had in the past 27 years. Jason and I both had to work today and no one even knew that it was a holiday for us. However, luckily we are not the only Americans here that are away from family, so this weekend we will be celebrating Thanksgiving twice. We have been invited to two Thanksgiving dinners, Saturday night we are going to Jason's boss' house. We will be bringing the sweet potatoes and a "turkey" veggie tray (First go at a Pintrest idea!). Sunday we are going to a ranch with about 24 other Americans, we will be bringing the mashed potatoes for that one! Hopefully, we get them to taste just as good as Nicole and Rorys! :)
Hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your family!
We will definitely be missing ours!!!   

Day 21:

Today, I am thankful to be an American. This is something that I think I have always taken for granted in the past. Being in another country has really made me realize what it's like to be a minority. Even though Australians speak English, there is still obviously a distint difference in accents between the two. It was an adjustment at first when people would look at me differently when I would speak. I have learned that when Australians ask you where you are from...do not answer with "The States" they already know that...they want to know where in the states. Someone asked me once what the beaches are like in Kentucky?! :) There are so many things about living in the United States that I miss so much! (Ill have to have a seperate blog for that) I am thankful for American traditional holidays. We have to work tomorrow but will be celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend with some other fellow Americans. We will be able to enjoy all the good cooking that we will be missing from our homes.

Day 20:
The whole group on my last day! 8.3.12

The good ol days!

Today, I am thankful for my Northpoint family! I am thankful for the 4 years of experience, both professionally and personally! There are such wonderful people in that facility providing excellent care to the elderly!  I am thankful for the work relationships that became friendships!
Even though things have changed since I have been gone and will continue to change, the memories I have from my time there will always stay close to my heart!
I am thankful for my boss, mentor, and friend, Elizabeth! I have learned so much for her and admire the job that she does. I am thankful for the day in/day out time that we had together, even though at times it was stressful, I would do any day 10 times over again! I am thankful for our friendship that has continued outside of work. I am thankful to be such a big part of her boys' lives and them of mine! Elizabeth has been such an amazing friend to me! We often referred to our relationship as more than just work- related or friends... but as family! I think I tended to be that (sometimes stubborn) little sister she never had and she was the (sometimes protective) older sister I never had! :)

Robin, Casey and I went to the same school, graduated with the same degrees and landed the same facility for our first jobs just weeks apart. However, we didn't really know eachother until we started working together. I am so thankful that these two special people came into my life in a way that we were able to spend everyday for the part 4 years together! I am thankful to have been able to see them each day of their pregnancies and ask thousands of questions that should have me prepared when I go through my own pregnancy someday! The friendship that the three of us have is so special and I would not trade it for the world!

Even though, Angie and I knew eachother and were friends before working together at Northpoint, I am still very thankful for the time that we had working together! Angie is such an amazing friend and person! We have a friendship unlike any others that I had at Northpoint and that is that we are both Bechtel Wives! It goes without saying that working with Bechtel we will all eventually be living somewhere where we know no one and have to get out there and make friends on our own. Angie has been so wonderful during my transition time in Australia. She asks all the right questions and understands what it is like to be in a new place with new people. I am so blessed to have her in my life and hope that our Bechtel travels will cross paths again in the future!

Day 19:


Today, I am thankful for a very special friend of mine, Brieann! I am so blessed to have such an amazing friend in my life! She is the such a genuine, down to earth person! What I love most are the qualities that we have that are so much alike... being over-analytical, our spontaneous nature to plan trips and ACTUALLY follow through with them, our very similar family traditions (I could spend any holiday with the Bradley's and feel right at home!), our love for a cold beer on a sunny day while sitting on the deck, our lack of being able to sit around and do nothing...always on the go... needing to feel productive (although she is WAY worse than me! haha) and our love for life and wanting to enjoy every day to its fullest!!
I am also very thankful that Brieann has married such a wonderful man! I am so thankful for the relationship that our husbands have (even though they drive us crazy sometimes when they are together)! I am thankful for the trips and nights out that we have shared and the fun that we have together! I am thankful that even though there is a great distance between us and our daily chats have changed to bi-weekly, we continue to talk and plan things as if we are only a couple hours away!

Day 18:

Today, I am thankful for Jason's career with Bechtel! I am thankful for the opportunities Jason has been given and I am thankful for everything they have provided us with while living here! I can honestly say that since Jason has been with Bechtel, there is alot of what he talks about and does with work that I really don't understand, mostly, because non Bechtel employees are never allowed onto the sites that he works on due to security reasons. However, today, we enjoyed Bechtel Family Day! We took the ferry that Jason takes each day to work over to the Island and then took the buses that he rides each day around the site while they explained what everything was and what the plans are. I wish that we were allowed to take pictures so that everyone can see how amazing the project is! I have a new found respect for the work that Jason does! I can definitely see now why he loves what he does so much... what guy wouldn't want to work on a construction site with huge cranes and other machinery building enormous tanks!! :) During our bus tour, we also saw Brumbys, or wild horses! Jason says they seem them all day long!

Day 17:

Today, I am thankful for online shopping! I can now say that this is first and probably only year, I will be done with my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving! I am thankful that I didn't have to wait in long lines at the mall or walk around for hours trying to figure out what to buy everyone. Just a couple hours here and there searching the web and having all items to shipped to my parents house for them to wrap and put under the tree for me! Can't get much better than that! :)

Day 16:
My Going Away cookout with some of the BEST! :)
Today, I am thankful for friendships!  I am so blessed to have such amazing friends in my life. You all hold a special place in my heart! I have learned so much from each and everyone of you! I am thankful for the friends I have from grade school, highschool, college and work! I am thankful for the friends that I talk to on a regular basis and those that we even though time has passed we always pick right up where we left off!  Being in a new place, new country, new culture and having to make new friends has really made me appreciate all of my wonderful friends from home so much more! I would not be who I am today without all of you! :)

 Day 15:
Today, I am thankful for car insurance! I experienced my first international fender bender today. A car was turning in front of me with no turn signal, I slammed on my breaks and the guy behind me slammed into the back of my car. I believe his exact words of the situation to the police were  "That bloak in front of the young lady didn't use his bloody turn signal and that forced me to slide up her ass!" Unfortunately, he didn't have car insuarnce so our insurance will have to cover the damage! In Australia they do breathalizers like Americans do insurance checks. So I was able to experience my first breathalizer today as well!   I am also thankful that Jason was only working a half day today and was able to come help me sort everything out!
Day 14:

Today, I am thankful for my siblings! I am one lucky girl to be the older sister of the best sister and brother! When Nicole and I were little we were inseperable, my mom always said that I was so protective over her and always wanted to be with her. Funny thing is that when you are little everyone thinks its cute to be protective over your sister but as you get older it becomes annoying and starts arguments! Now that we are adults, I still tend to be that overbearing older sister, but I am so thankful for the friendship that we have developed over the years! I am thankful to have my sister as my best friend and the kind of friend that will always be honest with you... even if that means calling you a bitch in your Maid of Honor speech! :) Love ya Ninny!
I am also thankful to have an adorable baby brother! Although, he may be bigger than me now he will always be my baby brother! Brian was always the one that could do no wrong in all of our eyes!However, he continued to be wonderful and he has grown into one of the best guys that I know. He has such a great sense of humor and is so caring towards others!
What I am most thankful for is the relationship that the three of us have together. When we all get together we have the best time! The roles have slightly reversed though and Brian is the one to pick on Nicole and I.
Day 13:
Today, I am thankful for my husbands hard work and dedication to his career! Jason and I knew that the time would come that we would have to make a decision to move with his career. We are still amazed by the thought that the first move we decided to make was to Australia, but without his constant hard work we wouldn't have been able to have this wonderful opportunity. Jason loves what he does however, it goes without saying that Construction Safety is a never ending challenge. I am so thankful for this deserving opportunity that he has been given to help him grow professionally! 

Day 12:
Today, I am thankful for my wonderful in-laws! We received this package from them today full of some of our favorite things we miss the most! I am thankful to have married into such a loving, caring family! They have been so supportive throughout this journey and have been so kind to take our baby boy into their home and spoil him rotten! :) I am thankful for our Sunday morning Facetime chats! I am thankful that they will be here to celebrate Christmas with us Aussie style...counting down the days!

Day 11: Veterans Day!

Today, I am thankful for my Dad! My dad served in the Army from 1980-1983. Its because of men like him that chose to fight for our country that we have the freedom that we do. I am thankful for the dad that he has been to me and my two siblings! I am thankful for his constant encouragement and support! He has taught us to never give up, to always give 110% at anything and everything that we do and have fun at the same time. Growing up he was always on the side lines yelling and cheering us on during sporting events (everyone knew when my dad was there)! Now that I am grown he is still standing beside me cheering me on with whatever it is that I am working towards in life! (Sometimes still yelling! haha) I am thankful that my Dad is my #1 fan!

Day 10: Happy Birthday Mama!!
Today, and every day, I am thankful for my AMAZING MOM!!! I am thankful for her compassionate, loving, caring, nurturing, beautiful and fun personality! I am thankful for the traits that I inheirited from her, as well as the qualities that I have learned from her! She is the most selfless and non judgemental person I know. She has always been there for us three kids at any time, even being time zones and miles apart she is only a phone call away! (I must say, I sure do take advantage of that and still call with any and every little thing!)  I am thankful that the person I strive be like everyday is MY MOM!! :) Love and Miss you SO much Mama!!

Day 9:

Today, I am thankful for Sunshine Kebabs! Since living in Gladstone, our nights of eating out have considerably decreased. Most of the restaurants have very similar menus (that aren't all that great tasting) and very similar high prices! However, Sunshine Kebabs is always a good choice! They are pita bread wraps with either shaved chicken or lamb. I always get the chicken, but what makes it so good is their sweet chili sauce and sour cream! YUM!!
Day 8:

 Today, I am thankful for the beautiful weather in Gladstone! The seasons are opposite than the states. So as all of you are experiencing colder weather and taking out the sweaters, boots, coats and scarves, we are keeping out our tank tops, shorts and sandals. My favorite season of the year is fall and although I am missing it very much, I am going to take advantage of this hot, sunny weather for the next several months and enjoy my summer in November!
Day 7:
Today, I am thankful for my Faith! Seeing all the comments lying back and forth about the Presidential debate, I am thankful that we have someone higher above to turn to that can lift everyone's spirits knowing that it is all His control.

Day 6:

Today I am thankful for my flexible work schedule! I am normally scheduled to work 4 days a week and it is so nice to have one day to myself during the week. I like to catch up on laundry and cleaning so that the weekend can be spent with Jason! I am thankful for having the time during the day to catch up with friends and family! The time difference has been somewhat of a challenge to catch  everyone at a good time. I am thankful for all the great conversations I had today and getting caught up on their lives at home! Love and Miss you All! :)

Day 5:
Happy Birthday Sara! Today, I am thankful for my cousin Sara! Sara and I are only a few months apart and have grown up only seeing eachother a couple times a year but even though we don't see eachother often she is a very special person in my life.She is such a positive, caring, fun person!  I am thankful for all the holidays we spent together at Grandma and Grandpa's house playing "bar"! (Most kids played house..not us!) I am thankful for her being such a big part of my Wedding Day! I am thankful for the effort her and I still put forth to stay in touch now that we are grown and see eachother less often than we did as kids! I love you, Sara!

Day 4:

Today, I am thankful for our neighbors and friends, Katie and Nick. Last night they hosted a Halloween party! We had an absolute blast! I dressed up as a Magpie and Jason was the bike rider. Katie was Rosie the Riveter and Nick dressed as an Australian. We are so thankful to have them right next door. It has definitely made the transition of living in Australia much easier. I am thankful for me and Katie's weekly shopping trips to the wonderful Gladstone Stockland shopping center, scrapbook store and craft store. I am thankful for our chats after work before the guys come home, and brainstorming for new projects to complete!

Day 3:
Today, I am thankful for communication. I never really realized how much we depend on technology for communication until we moved across the world and it became a necessity for seeing and talking to family and friends. I am thankful for the text messages, emails, calls and Facetime that have made us feel so much connected to everyone from home. Its amazing how a simple message or conversation can brighten my day so much! I am thankful for all of you that make the effort on your end to stay connected to us as well, it means the world to us!
Day 2:
Today, I am thankful for my baby boy, Bucky! He turned 4 years old yesterday and has been such a huge part of our lives for the past 4 years! Its amazing how much joy a pet can bring to your life. Bucky is the first pet Jason and I have together and he has taught us what its like to love a child unconditionally, there were times we would be so mad at him for tearing up the carpet or scratching the door frames so bad they had to be replaced or scaring our neighbor half to death as he ran after her barking, but even in the midst of all of that we found ourselves laughing at the situation and loving him even more!

Day 1: 
6 years ago today, Jason and I started dating. So today, I am thankful for my husband! Jason is such an amazing husband! Through the journey of life, I couldn't have asked for a better person to be by my side. I am so thankful for his laid back, fun loving personality. He always seems to make the best of every situation and has such a positive outlook on life! I feel like I have become so much better of person since Jason has come into my life.  He works so hard to provide a good life for the two of us but makes sure that we have fun at the same time.


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